We have protected the lessor from collecting rental payments in the amount of 255 million rubles for using equipment
We have protected the lessor from collecting rental payments in the amount of 255 million rubles for using equipment
Learn moreThe company’s lawyers have wide project experience in an integrated permit of complex disputes both in arbitration courts and in courts of general jurisdiction.
— debt collection over 10 billion rubles
— declaration of proprietary rights for property complex
— defending and challenging various deals
— disputes in the field of real estate (rights of property, collateral, lease, etc.)
— disputes under a construction contract (in the amount over 1 billion rubles)
We have protected the lessor from collecting rental payments in the amount of 255 million rubles for using equipment
Learn moreWe have recognized in a court the right of ownership of a factory`s property complex to a creditor provided that the creditor’s obligations are not secured
Learn moreWe have recovered losses from the General Director of limited liability company of ten–years statute of limitations period deals
Learn moreWe have released the guarantor from obligations in the amount of 50 million rubles
Learn moreWe have protected the CEO and founder from subsidiary liability in the amount of 1 billion rubles
Learn moreWe have protected the guarantor from collection by the bank (CB “international development Bank” (JSC)) of funds under the guarantee agreement in the amount of 40 million rubles.
Learn moreWe have protected the lessor from collecting rental payments in the amount of 255 million rubles under the lease agreement of using the mobile mine drilling equipment
Learn more